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el camino cloud logoIdentityazuretable

This project provides a high performance cloud solution for ASP.NET Identity Core using Azure Table storage replacing the Entity Framework / MSSQL provider.

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Package Versioning

Use the unit tests as a guide to seeding operational and configuration data.

  • ElCamino.IdentityServer.AzureStorage v7.x match major version of Duende IdentityServer
  • ElCamino.IdentityServer4.AzureStorage v2.x uses IdentityServer4 >= 4.x
  • ElCamino.IdentityServer4.AzureStorage v1.x uses IdentityServer4 2.x & 3.x
  • Build Status

Duende IdentityServer v7

IdentityServer4 v3 to v4

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Config changes to support ApiScope blobs

New config settings, complete settings further down.

    "resourceStorageConfig": {
      "apiScopeBlobContainerName": "idsrv4apiscopes",
      "apiScopeBlobCacheContainerName": "idsrv4apiscopescache",

Changes to startup.cs


Breaking changes

There are breaking changes when moving to IdentityServer4 v3 to v4. and respectively upgrading ElCamino.IdentityServer4.AzureStorage v1.x to v2.x. Shown below in complete context, add .MigrateResourceV3Storage() into the startup services pipline. Must be added after services.AddIdentityServer().AddResourceStore() in the pipeline. Remove after the first run.

Getting Started


using ElCamino.IdentityServer.AzureStorage.Stores;
using ElCamino.IdentityServer.AzureStorage.Services;
using Duende.IdentityServer;
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Add framework services.
            //Add the Custom IdentityServer PersistentGrantStorageContext/Create Storage Table
                .CreatePersistedGrantStorage() //Can be removed after first run.
                .CreateClientStorage() //Can be removed after first run.
                .CreateResourceStorage() //Can be removed after first run.
                .CreateDeviceFlowStorage() //Can be removed after first run.
                .CreateSigningKeyStorage(); //Can be removed after first run.

	    // Adds IdentityServer
            //Use for migrating ApiScopes from IdentityServer4 v3 ApiResources
            //Must be added after services.AddIdentityServer().AddResourceStore() in the pipeline



  "IdentityServer": {
    "persistedGrantStorageConfig": {
      "storageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;",
      "blobContainerName": "idsrv4persistedgrants",
      "persistedGrantTableName": "idsrv4persistedgrant",
      "enableTokenCleanup": true,
      "tokenCleanupInterval": 3600,
      "tokenCleanupBatchSize": 100
    "clientStorageConfig": {
      "storageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;",
      "blobContainerName": "idsrvclientconfig",
	  "blobCacheContainerName": "idsrvclientconfigcache",
	  "enableCacheRefresh": true,
	  "cacheRefreshInterval": 1800
    "resourceStorageConfig": {
     "storageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;",
      "apiTableName": "idsrvapiscopeindex",
      "apiBlobContainerName": "idsrvapiresources",
      "apiScopeBlobContainerName": "idsrvapiscopes",
      "identityBlobContainerName": "idsrvidentityresources",
      "apiBlobCacheContainerName": "idsrvapiresourcescache",
      "apiScopeBlobCacheContainerName": "idsrvapiscopescache",
      "identityBlobCacheContainerName": "idsrvidentityresourcescache",
	  "enableCacheRefresh": true,
	  "cacheRefreshInterval": 1800
    "deviceFlowStorageConfig": {
      "storageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;",
      "blobUserContainerName": "idsrvdeviceflowusercodes",
      "blobDeviceContainerName": "idsrvdeviceflowdevicecodes"
    "signingKeyStorageConfig": {
      "storageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;",
      "blobContainerName": "idsrvsigningkeys"

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