This project provides a high performance cloud solution for ASP.NET Identity Core using Azure Table storage replacing the Entity Framework / MSSQL provider.
Latest .net MVC or Razor Pages Template
Sample Core MVC with Identity Scaffolding Website
Included in the source is a MVC Core Website project that is an example of removing the EntityFramework and Identity EntityFramework references and replacing them with the Azure Table storage provider. It was created by using the Scaffold Identity in ASP.NET Core projects process as a starting point.
Install the MVC template
dotnet new --install ElCamino.AspNetCore.Identity.AzureTable.Templates
#MVC Template
dotnet new mvc-id-azure-tables
Sample Core Razor Pages with Identity Scaffolding Website
Included in the source is a Razor Pages Core Website project that is an example of removing the EntityFramework and Identity EntityFramework references and replacing them with the Azure Table storage provider. It was created by using the Scaffold Identity in ASP.NET Core projects process as a starting point.
Install the Razor Pages template
dotnet new --install ElCamino.AspNetCore.Identity.AzureTable.Templates
#Razor Pages Template
dotnet new rzp-id-azure-tables
Changes to /appsettings.json
Change the default local connection string to the Azure Storage Emulator in the appsettings.json. TablePrefix can be left blank, any text here will prefix the Azure table storage names. StorageConnectionString is the Azure table storage connection string. LocationMode can be left empty (defaults to PrimaryOnly). Other storage location modes are listed here and must be used with a RA-GRS storage account if changed from the default. *TableName values can be null or left empty and default values are shown in the example below.
"IdentityAzureTable": {
"IdentityConfiguration": {
"TablePrefix": "v2"
"StorageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;"
"IndexTableName": "AspNetIndex"
"RoleTableName": "AspNetRoles"
"UserTableName": "AspNetUsers"
Don't forget to start your Azure Storage Emulator if running locally.
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